Source: Source:

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Ichigo is a Quincy and Juha Bach’s Son?!! – Bleach 514

Bleach 514 reveals a big clue to who Ichigo really is, his origins are not detailed but are described to be a Quincy due to his mother sides! Juha Bach reveals that as he didn’t know his mother too well, he wouldn’t have known but Juha Bach also calls Ichigo his son!! Could this be an explanation to who Isshin really is?
Bleach 514 continues on from Juha Bach vs Ichigo, Ichigo releases a mass amount of reiatsu that it covers the sky. Haschwald shouts Juha Bach’s name to ask if he’s okay, we then see some sign of life when Juha Bach uses his own powers in order to escape from Ichigo’s reiatsu, Juha Bach mentions that it was a mistake.
Ichigo thinks that because he had survived one of his attacks it’s a mistake, Juha Bach mentions that it’s not because of that, at this point, Juha Bach attacks from the right in order to rip the cloths off his arm. Ichigo blocks the attack but the cloth rips off showing Ichigo’s Blut system at works.
Juha Bach confirms his thesis that what he saw was correct, Ichigo asks what he means, Juha tells Ichigo that it was a mistake to use a Pure Quincy to stop Ichigo, he should have sent some random Arrancar because that caused the memories within his reiatsu to awaken already.
Juha Bach mentions that when he was inside Kirge’s Jail, Ichigo released his reiatsu to the extreme in order to destroy, the remnants of Ichigo’s reiatsu incorporated the surrounding reiatsu and Kirge’s reiatsu, this slowly reached the deepest part of Ichigo’s soul and awakened the memories within Ichigo’s reiatsu from the very root!
Kirge’s Jail is originally made to suppress the enemy within it, thus it’s unable to imprison Quincies inside it. This giving us fans the idea that Ichigo could be a Quincy at the core. Ichigo is confused as always and just asks Juha to answer more useless questions. Juha understands the dilemma in which Ichigo is in.
Juha Bach also mentions that he didn’t even know anything about his mother! Could this mean that Ichigo’s mother was a Quincy, I surely think so. Ichigo gets a little angered, Juha Bach tells Ichigo that he wanted to take him back from the start to reeducate him from the start but it looks like there is no time for Juha to take it slowly.
Therefore Juha Bach proposes for him to force Ichigo to surrender and drag him back. Ichigo shouts at Juha Bach asking what the hell he’s talking about. Juha Bach answers him by saying that once they’re in Vandenreich, all of Ichigo’s answers will be answered. Juha Bach then goes in for the attack.
Ichigo blocks Juha but out of nowhere, Juha grabs onto Ichigo’s head and tells him that he’s going to stab him, and he’s not going to have anytime to dodge it, even with his Blut Vene, he’ll release his power and cut right through Ichigo. Out of nowhere a dark shadow appears in which Haschwald mentions that it’s time for him to head back.
Haschwald tells Juha that that he cannot stay out of the Shatten Bereich (Literally Meaning Shadow Territory), he says that he needs to return to the Vandenreich. Juha Bach says that he cannot yet because of another thing. He then realizes that what just happened could be a trick set by Aizen as he had confused Juha’s perception in the short time they met.
At this point both Juha Bach and Haschwald start to head off when Ichigo shouts wait! Juha Bach looks back when Ichigo tells Juha that he’s just going to let him just like that? There is no way Ichigo will let Juha escape from Soul Society after all the damage he did. Juha keeps on walking when Ichigo shouts stop once more. At this point Ichigo goes on a all out run towards Juha in order to get him back.
At this point Haschwald looks back in order to stop Ichigo, he slashes his sword and in once moment, Ichigo’s sword is split in half, at this moment, Juha Bach is about the cross the Shatten Bereich when he says his last words.
Juha Bach says Goodbye, Ichigo is told that Juha Bach will come back to get him, therefore he should heal his wounds and wait till that time arrives! He also mentions that Ichigo is his son who was born in the darkness! A shocking revelation as it seems as though that Juha Bach is Ichigo Father! Bleach 514 ends here!
What a fantastic chapter! Loads of fantastic information as well as key important information about Ichigo’s mother as well as the origins of Ichigo’s supernatural powers are finally coming to light! Seriously can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 515 awesome chapter when the fantastic arc continues!

The Rise and Fall of the Strawberry – Ichigo Kurosaki

Being me you’ll be able to notice all the links between these two fantastic images of Ichigo! Ichigo has gone through a hell of a ride during his past teenage years with a whole load happen to him, for example losing his Fullbring as well as regaining his Shinigami Powers, if it was anyone else, they would have already gone insane!
It’s a first that I’m featuring two images, but there’s always a first for everything! So what connections can you make? A lot of things happened which raised a lot more question in the Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be answered within the Thousand Year War!
Both of these images are as you’d say are opposites, one is the rise and the other the fall of Ichigo, if you’re a fan you’ll know that there’s been quite a few parts in which Ichigo has gone through these moment. Some which actually made Ichigo the person he is now.
We can say that the second image happened first as Ichigo’s Fullbring was easily stolen from him by Ginjo, but after Ichigo regains his power from the help of the Captains and Rukia, he has a dead and fiery look in his eyes portrayed by the first image, hopefully it’s the same look he has towards Juha Bach within the Final Arc!
Both of the images are incredible and thus deserve to be featured, the top image was awesome drawn by the talented Inspiriert and the one below was also done by the talented MinatoSama207. Go and check both of them out!

Arrogance and Pride – Deidara and Sasori

A brilliant image of possibly the best tag team of Deidara, the clay explosion master, and Sasori, the ultimate puppeteer. Both have been seen to have a lot of characteristics but their main ones for both of them would be Arrogance for Deidara and Pride for Sasori.
Deidara’s arrogance led him to his demise during his death against Sasuke, he was too worked up into killing Sasuke that he blew himself up just to show that his art is best. Even during the Edo Tensei period he’s still captured for this. Sasori’s Pride for his puppets as well as himself as a puppet ruled him into thinking that he was unbeatable, but because of Sakura he was killed, after he was brought back, he actually sorted himself out and thought that it’s best if he was to die as he no longer has anything left in his world.
The fantastic image above was drawn by Ireal70, the image itself I find it mind-blowing because so much work has gone to it. You should definitely check out more of his work!

Erza meets Jellal Again – Second Origin – Fairy Tail 154

Fairy Tail 154 brings some hope to Fairy Tail’s demise with the training. We notice that Jellal, Ultear and Meredy have all approached Fairy Tail to ask for help. Ultear helps them by giving them what’s called a Second Origin. We also have a brilliant moment between Jellal and Erza where they nearly kiss!
Fairy Tail 154 continues from last week’s episode as they all realize that they haven’t got time in order for them to actually do any real training and get their strength up. They all sulk on the beach because of this terrible coming. Erza and Natsu all get powered up all of a sudden saying that they should use the time they currently have to gain more power.
In Lamia Scale, the Master, Oba Babasama, is worry that they always come in second, they really want to come first to show that they’re the strongest guild. She says that this time both Lyon and Jura will take part in the event so they can win!
At Blue Pegasus, they find out that Jura will be taking part, said by Master Bob, Ichiya proposes that they use their secret weapon within the games, the reason is that they’re going to a very hard battle for all of them. At Sabertooth, Sting and Rogue find out that Natsu and the others are going to take part, both of them are interested.
At Raven Tail, where Master Ivan exists, they say that he’s been waiting 7 years in order to get his revenge on him. He really wants to get revenge on the Fairy Tail Guild, even his ready to get back to the Games.
While Erza is talking, a bird lies on her head with a message, they all read out the message mentioning for them to come up to the forest near the broken suspension bridge on the hill. They all suspect for it to be a trap but she mentions that it’ll be a good thing.
They reach the broken suspension bridge but find out that it’s magically being fixed, as though the time of the bridge is being reversed. Natsu is pushed to check if the bridge is safe to go to or not, Natsu quickly gets motion sickness but safely approaches the other side with ease.
They all cross and each another point where they notice 3 people. These three people unveil themselves as Jellal, Ultear and Meredy! Erza and the others are shocked at this point. Jellal asks if Erza knows about his escape, Meredy and Ultear had broke him out of prison even if he didn’t intend to. Juvia notices Meredy’s new brought smile!
Gray mentions that they are no longer enemies of Fairy Tail and that they intend to now fight sins and do good instead of bad. They explain that they have created a guild in order for them no neutral and independent guild, they explain that they try and battle dark guilds as well as Zeref. They are called the Crime Sorciere.
Ultear asks for a favor from Fairy Tail, they explain that every year there is a strange magical force within the stadium and that it could be related to that of Zeref, they want to investigate and find out whats happening and causing this.
Erza agrees to whats Jellal wants to do because if there is a problem at the stadium then it could be a problem to Fairy Tail also. Ultear says that by helping them, she wants to give them something in advance, she mentions something to them that will help them.
She explains that her Time Ark magic has the ability to raise their level of their abilities. She tells them that a mage usually has a contained of magic in which they can use in order to show their powers, as well as fight others. Her magic will be able to open up another magical container so they can absorb the Eternanos from the air.
She explains that the second power is refered to Latent ability, Second Origin, this will allow them to use the second containing, or Second Origin so they can use both their powers, this would be similar to doubling their powers or powering up a needed times. Natsu and the others agree to it.
Ultear does the Second Origin on Natsu, he’s literally in unimaginable pain at this point, he can’t go any longer but he keeps on going, Lucy and Gray wonder how painful this is, they all are imagining how painful it will be for them since Natsu is a lot stronger than them.
Jellal and Erza are talking by the beach while the sun goes down. Erza asks if his memories are back. He says yes and that he’s he can remember everything, he’s very sorry for everything he did, especially to Erza and Simon. He doesn’t know what he’s currently doing and what he’s doing by creating his own independent guild.
Erza gets pissed at this point that he hasn’t yet realized what he’s currently doing. He created his guild in order to repay for the sins he did, but he doesn’t know what he’s currently doing, he says that he should just die when Erza steps in and slaps him.
Erza tells him that he’s an coward for talking like that, plus living like he is currently shows that he’s strong. She says that he’s not the old or bad Jellal, plus that he’s really changed and that she can notice it. She raises him when they accidentally trip and roll down the hill, as they do, they knock and bump into mysterious plants which launch sparks of light into the above night.
They both fall down when Jellal is on top of Jellal, they both look into each others eyes when the whole mood changes from a dark night to one which is full of magic and light! The sparks of light enhance the mood as they both recognize that they have something which needs to be sorted between each other.
They look into each others eyes when Erza starts to cry, she covers her eyes with her hair, she tells Jellal that she thought that she would never she him again. At this point, she holds Jellal’s face. Jellal rubs the tears from Erza’s faces and slowly but surely start to get closer and closer to each other. They are an inch apart when they’re ready to flow their love to each other.
They get so close that it’s a moment of no going back, but a reaction from Jellal makes him and Erza realize how they feel for each other, they both love each other to the point that they can give up their lives. Jellal pushes Erza away just as they go to kiss, he ruins the moment and tells her that he can’t because he’s got a fiancée.
Erza is shocked at this and quickly tells Jellal that she didn’t want to do anything, she says that good for him because seven years have passed, she asks if she’s dear to him, Jellal says that she is, Erza then tells him that he should live for her sake.
We move onto when the members of Fairy Tail are getting their Second Origin, they are all screaming to the top of their lungs because of the amount of pain that they are in. Erza stands outside to thank Meredy, Jellal and Ultear. Jellal says that they’re leaving and that they’ll meet again very soon.
Meredy and Ultear asks why Jellal told Erza that he had a fiancée, he tells them that they cannot love someone who is in the light, they cannot bring someone who is in the right path away from it because it’ll likely to ruin their life. As agreed by all of them, they cannot do such a thing. Erza also realizes that Jellal was lying about a fiancée, she agrees that it’s better like this for them. Fairy Tail 154 ends here.
Wow, that was certainly a long post and also a good episode, it’s a good thing that Natsu and the others are able to use and get their Second Origin, they’ll be able to certainly use it when they fight someone powerful such as Sting and Rogue. Can’t wait for next week’s Fairy Tail 155, titled “Crocus, the Blooming Capital”, when Natsu and the others may meet members of Sabertooth, especially Rogue and Sting!

Fairy Tail start to Dominate – Gray faces Rufus – Fairy Tail 305

Fairy Tail 305 shows us why Mavis is more then just the first Master. She reveals her great mind to us as she guides Erza, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel and Laxus throughout the map in order to win. We also find out that Natsu and the others have been captured in a deep underground chamber where they are told to rot and die by the Princess. Gray approaches Rufus.
Fairy Tail 305 begins as all members of Fairy tail move out to different places who were ordered by Mavis. She tells them to move out to their next destination, members of Fairy Tail are shocked, Mavis realizes that at this point there is a 97% chance that Rufus will make his move.
Rufus sees the movements, he says that they should not underestimate his abilities in finding enemies. He wants to take all of them at once, he speaks his Memory Make technique, then says On a Starry Night, this launches 5 individual bright lights into the air, Mavis tells them that it’s possible to dodge the lightning spikes, its possible using an emergency dodge.
Erza, Juvia, Gajeel and Gray all dodge it, Mavis says that it’s possible for Laxus to guard against it, instead Laxus blocks it, Rufus is petrified by the fact that they were all able to do such a defense all at once, thus neither of them were able to get hurt. Mavis realizes that there is a 68% possibility that Rufus will try to approach them, while 32% he will stay.
Some of the members of Fairy Tail realizes that Mavis is currently out of her mind and thinking beyond what they’re thinking. She realizes that at this point, Erza will face a person, Erza realizes that Mavis was correct and that her opponent is not very strong.
Erza defeats them gaining one point, Gajeel also defeats his enemies, he gains 2 points for defeating two people. Hibiki is told to run as quick as possible because they’ve only got a small chance now, Hibiki asks if there is a person who can surpass his Archive. Gray approaches him and says there is, Gray then defeats Hibiki too.
They all now go to a different position in which they can gain more points. At this point, Fair Tail are back on top, everyone cheers, they also cheer as Mavis gives all the right tactics. Makarov realizes that he remembers the First’s nickname, she led her team to victory in many battles thanks to her prodigious ability in making strategies. The Fairy Tactician, Mavis Vermillion.
Ichiya is alone, he realizes that he’s going to have to try hard in order to get good number of points to win. As he goes to say something, he’s quickly attacked by Jura who quickly gets him, he gains 5 points. Chelia also gains some points by defeating a members of Mermaid Heels. They also move to the top spot with Fairy Tail and Sabertooth.
Mavis states that from now on, it will be a very hard and tough battle for all of them, Kinana asks Mavis what she has plan for regarding Jura. Mavis says that she has thought about him but it’s going to be hard to handle him, Jura is really powerful and Fairy Tail will have a hard time against him.
Natsu, Wendy and Lisanna all go and get Lucy back from the prison, Natsu rips out the bars from the side so they can all come out. They brought some cloths back for them to change, they need to escape from this place, Lucy states that she needs to get her keys first.
Out of nowhere, the ground opens up from the bottom, they all fall down onto the ground by this surprise. They all fall onto this mysterious place, a mystery voice welcomes them saying that they’ve arrived in Hell Palace. This is the city of death, the last bit of freedom allowed to criminals, no one has ever got out of the Hell Palace before. We see that the Princess is saying all of this.
Natsu asks who she is, Yukino tells them that it’s the princess of the castle. After the transmission ends, they notice that there is no other way for them to get out of there. The soldiers behind cheer Hisui on for protecting the castle without the King being there.
We continue on with the fight, the weaker players are now out and only the strong guilds remain. We notice that Gray is approaching Rufus, he mentions that Mavis told him that if he came there, he would be able to meet him, Rufus mentions that he’s memories were about to forget Gray, could he remind him. Gray responds and tell Rufus that there is no use, after this battle, it will be the end of Rufus! Fairy Tail 305 ends here.
That was a truly epic ending, Gray vs Rufus is going to be awesome to see, we know that they are both incredibly strong and have an unbelievable amount of power within them, it’s just going to be awesome to see both of them fight during next week’s Fairy Tail 306, titled “Gray vs Rufus”, can’t wait!

The Past of Pakura and Maki – Naruto Shippuden 285

Naruto Shippuden 285 moves away from the main characters to explore some which are as interesting but not yet known to us. We discover Pakura, the Scorch Style as well as her student Maki. They both had a past in which Pakura trained Maki to become a fine Ninja. At this moment, Pakura is absolutely proud of her that she asks for her to move away.
Naruto Shippuden 285 starts off in the past when Pakura the Scorch Style is being introduced to everyone as a successor as she had defeated and thus is now called a hero. After some time, she’s faced by younger Maki where she asks to be trained. They both go to train for a little while. Pakura says that she will be a strong shinobi when she grows up.
At a meeting, the heads of the village decide that they will need to send and use Pakura once more for the sake of the village. After some time, Pakura dies as she fought until the end, Maki cries at her grave after her death, we hear a man says that they must destroy the Hidden Stone Village as they will carry on Pakura’s will.
We return to the battle where Fuguki Suikazan is fighting the other shinobi’s. They are all getting pretty battered as will as easily killed by Fuguki. We also notice that Maki is waiting for her moment to help out, Captain Monga is there to help out anyone who needs his help. They receive report that the enemy are using guerilla techniques.
Maki tries to help but Monga tells her that it’s not the time to help at this point, plus the Sealing Corps are the most useful at this point. Ruka tells Maki to also calm down, Monga also says that he’s ready to give up his life, Ruka also says the same thing.
Omoi and Zaji keep on fighting Fuguki. Somewhere behind, a man is attacked by Gari the Explosion Style Shinobi. He appears and tells them that they’ve got no chance because of their guerilla tactics, they are going to dominate by taking out the support first. At this moment, both Monga and Gari talk.
Monga uses his technique in which creates a wall of explosions scattering the body of Gari, this makes him go unconscious for a bit as he’s body is out of action, it will take him a while to get back into action. Monga asks Maki to quickly seal him when a red circle appears within Monga and he starts to die.
Maki notices that Pakura has arrived. Pakura notices that Maki has grown up. Maki asks why she’s not able to just die with her own will. Pakura describes that she has come alive in order to vent the frustration she has because she was failed by the Sand Village as she was used as a pawn.
She describes that one day she was asked by the Sand Village to go to the Mist Village to do something, but during the way she was betrayed by the man helping her as she was stabbed in the back. She quickly realized that she was used as a pawn by the Sand Village as well as a sacrifice so that they don’t attack each other in the future.
Maki explains that even if that happened that was in the past and now the new Mizukage is better and wouldn’t do something so stupid. Maki tells Pakura to give up because all of that was just in the past because the Allied Force is actually a way for them to understand and communicate.
Pakura gets angry at Maki and shouts at Maki. She starts out by releasing her technique, Maki quickly uses her technique to disappear from the place. Pakura uses her jutsu to join the balls to create a large round in which she can burn a circle so she can see better.
Maki uses her cloth. Pakura finds them, Maki quickly tells her that she cannot erase the past, her experience with the Allied Force will be a good once because all the villages are participating in order to succeed in the war. Pakura no longer cares and creates a fire-ball when Omoi and Zaji show up.
Omoi and Zaji are ready to fight, Maki and Ruka are also ready to help out. They keep on fighting. When Pakura nearly get Omoi in the fireball. Maki keeps on trying to get Pakura when Omoi goes for an attack, Pakura creates a large fireball, as they get closer, Ruka uses her water style to turn that large ball into steam.
Omoi quickly attacks but misses. As she jumps, Zaji appears and  sticks a explosive tag kunai on Pakura, she looses an arm, Pakura’s leg is then captured by the cloth technique which Maki uses. Gari shows up and breaks the cloth. They all find out that this is a bad thing for them.
Gari says that he will be taking out the support first which are Maki and Ruka out, Pakura notices that both Omoi and Zaji are going to help Maki and Ruka no matter what they’re going to, Pakura notices this and quickly creates four fire balls which surrounds Gari. She quickly says for Maki to run while she’s still conscious. They run because they realize that they’re not going to be able to go against both of them.
While they both convert themselves by the actions of Kabuto, Gari says that she’s always wanted to fight Pakura.  Both of them convert into lifeless beings. We see all of them save and trying to contact HQ, we see Maki lay down and pray, possibly for Pakura. Naruto Shippuden 285 ends here.
A good episode after all, even if I don’t have much interest in the current characters they were nicely portrayed and they’re possibly going to have to fight Gari and Pakura, possibly in the near future. Can’t wait for next week’s Naruto Shippuden 286, titled “Things You Can’t Get Back”, when we go back in time to see a few things about Tsunade and the Raikage.

Ichigo uses Blut Vene!! Ichigo vs Juha Bach – Bleach 513

Bleach 513 blows me away with the awesomeness it has. We first see Byakuya’s last moments as he walks to find something. Ichigo’s rampage against Juha Bach continues as Ichigo goes on an all out anger driven fight against Juha. We also find out that Ichigo has learnt the ability to use Blut Vene!
Bleach 513 starts out as Byakuya walks around Soul Society noticing that it’s all silent, there is no answer from Ichigo or anyone else there to help. Byakuya isn’t scared to know that this could be the end for him, he’s satisfied knowing that Ichigo will take care of things. He leaves everything to Ichigo as he’s going to be the savior of Soul Society. We see Byakuya drop his sword, it cracks into a few pieces, this could be the end of Byakuya.
Ichigo faces Juha Bach, he’s in front of him, he’s ready to fight him no matter what. Haschwald walks forward when Juha Bach stops him, he may have wanted to fight him. Juha Bach says that he doesn’t how he broke out of Kirge’s Jail but does Ichigo really plan to fight him with that torn body.
Ichigo asks if he’s the Enemy’s leader. Juha Bach laughs and says that he is and the same time he’s not. Ichigo tells him not to kid him. Juha Bach smiles causing Ichigo to shouts if he’s the one who made such a mess of Soul Society. Juha Bach is ready, he says that he is responsible for nearly destroying everything.
Ichigo quickly releases a lot of reiatsu as he powers up. Juha Bach tells Haschwald that after all they did, there is no other choice except to fight Ichigo. Juha Bach says that he wants to destroy him! Ichigo jumps towards Juha Bach, at this point we hear the famous words in which he haven’t heard for quite a few chapter! Ichigo releases his Getsuga Tenshou!
This causes a large explosion, Ichigo moves out from the point when a large hand appears in front of him. The hand holds into Ichigo’s hands and smashes Ichigo on the ground, Ichigo tries to grab Juha Bach’s face but doesn’t succeed as it’s moved away by Juha Bach’s hand.
At this point, Ichigo notices that Juha Bach is holding a large sword, Juha Bach thrusts it towards Ichigo’s neck, it seems like there is nothing left but Ichigo’s decapitated head. Ichigo’s eyes seem as though there is nothing left for him. Haschwald is shocked at how quick he was killed, Juha is not satisfied by the fight.
Ichigo still breaths, Juha Bach says to take him to their castle, they’ll resuscitate him and make him join their troops. Haschwald agrees to the orders and will do as instructed. Juha Bach looks away for a second, he then realizes that Ichigo is not yet down! He realizes that the sword which he used hasn’t even broke Ichigo’s skin! He realizes that Ichigo is using the famous Blut Vene! A Quincy Technique! At this point, Ichigo releases all the reiatsu he can, he then goes to uses the Getsuga Tenshou close range towards Juha. Bleach 513 ends here.
What an epic chapter! Ichigo’s finally got somewhere, and the fact that Ichigo can use Blut Vene means that he could also use Blut Arterie, we seriously need to know what had happened in Kirge’s Jail or if somehow the Kirge Killer helped Ichigo! Who and what could have happened in Hueco Mundo! Can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 514 as it’s most likely to feature a grand range of fights!

Obito meets Nagato – Naruto fights Madara – Naruto 607

Naruto 607 finally begins to tell us what is currently happening between Naruto and Madara, and Kakashi and Obito. We find out that Naruto is pissed as hell towards Madara as well as Tobi for leading Minato to his death during Naruto’s birth. Kakashi is also surprised by the fact that Obito went through such a pathway to follow Madara.
Naruto 607 starts of as Yahiko laughs as Obito calls himself Madara. Yahiko says that if he’s using Madara Uchiha’s name he must either be a criminal or an idiot, he then asks why he’s approaching them. He says that the reason is the Rinnegan, his mission is to lead someone who awakens the Rinnegan.
Nagato quickly asks how he knows about his eyes, Obito says that he’s the reincarnation of the Six Path Hermit, whose dream was to bring stability to this world. Obito says that he had awakened it because larger countries shine while his small country dies in the shadows. Whenever there is light, there is darkness, if winners exists so do losers. He repeats words which were said by Madara.
Obito says that when he’s able to master the real power of the Rinnegan, his world will be complete, Obito then asks for Nagato to come with him. Yahiko steps in and says that they can’t do that, he realizes that Obito is trying to use them because what he’s saying sounds too good.
Yahiko reveals that by knowing the people’s pain, he will come closer to the real world, by this he means to understand each other better. Obito reveals that what he’s just said is no longer something they can wait for, they have to take action because it’s no longer possible in this world. Yahiko tells Konan and Nagato to go. He asks for Obito and Zetsu to not get close to them again.
Obito tells Nagato that he’s going to come to that same place everyday, at the same time. One day, Nagato’s eyes will open and thus he will realize it too. Obito then heads off to Konoha where he spies upon Kakashi looking towards Rin Nohara’s grave. Kakashi tells Rin’s grave that Naruto will be born very soon. Kakashi then goes to tells Obito’s grave.
We return to the night were Kurama was set free in Konoha, during Naruto’s birth. Obito stands upon his famous statue head. Obito looks up towards Minato in the statue. He remembers the moment he first joined his group. He arrives there late, Kakashi and Rin have both introduced themselves there. He introduces himself and says that he’s going to become a Hokage.
Kakashi laughs at him telling him that it’s going to hard for him. Minato introduces himself to Obito telling him that it’s a good thing that they both have the same dream. Obito then tells himself that he no longer cares about this any longer.
We return to the present where Naruto and Bee are fighting Madara Uchiha, while Obito faces  Kakashi and Guy. Naruto angrily tells Madara that he’s the son of the fourth and doesn’t care about Madara’s dreams. Naruto tells Madara that he’s not going to fall for his words no matter what.
Madara says that he was going easy on Naruto because he was a Jinchuuriki, but now he’s no longer going to hold back. He then releases Hashirama’s Wood Dragon. Bee says that he’s really strong, Gai then says because of this it’s worth fighting him. Naruto gets pissed and says that he’s not going to hold back against a zombie because he’s already dead!
Naruto’s Bijuu Mode faces Madara’s release of Hashirama’s Wood Dragon! They both go head to head, Naruto bites on the wood of the Wood Dragon, this hurts the dragon quite a lot. Kakashi asks why he followed someone like Madara, Obito says that he has no reason to tell him, the only thing left now is their Final Fight! Naruto 607 ends here.
What a great chapter, we finally found out how Nagato was sucked into Obito’s wishes, as well as being used by him at the same time. The incredible battle between Naruto and Madara carries on strong, the battle between Kakashi and Obito is going to be epic! The manga is taking a break next week so we will return with Naruto 608 after next week! Can’t wait for it!

Ready for Halloween – Orihime Inoue

After a great image drawn by XxEvilSinxX, here is another fantastic image of Orihime Inoue with her large pumpkin with Ichigo’s Hollow Mask drawn into it. After featuring the first awesome image, I had to feature this amazing second as it was dedicated to me as well as being put into the Pretty In Pigtails Fun Fall Festivities.
I’d like to thank XxEvilSinxX for the awesome job on the second one and also thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of artwork. Go and check her work out! Also go and check out her other work out here.

Final Clash – Kakashi and Obito

After the tragedy during Rin’s death by the hands of Kakashi, Obito was so upset to see her lay still on the ground, leading him to go absolutely crazy and killing a bunch of Ninja’s from the Mist using his new gained Mangekyou Sharingan as well as play with his powers which he got from Hashirama’s Cells.
After he realized that the only thing he could do was to follow Madara’s orders and way in order for him to help Madara develop a Genjutsu strong enough for him to cast upon everyone pulling them into his own “Perfect” world. He described this to Obito in order to get him thinking that Rin will be brought back. Unfortunately it looks like endless hope and misery follows Obito.
The fantastic image above was drawn by the incredible YesimTekin. Go and check her work out as it’s absolutely amazing!

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